Sabtu, 17 Juni 2006


Bill's dog

Angry Women

Nice message

Ugly cat

Ugliest cat

Jessus program

What is monday?

Smallest parking place

funny parking

Where do you want to go ?

Mircosoft VS Microsoft

English Lesson


Dirty car

Dirty message

I learn from my father!

Playboy... exclusive!

Car crash

Nice parking

Kill Bill

A new muvie ?

No more bugs

There are no bugs anymore, just this time



We fix trucks

Good Commercial

Strong Kid

A new style... Tae-Kid-DO

Bathroom sign

Keep it clean

An angry father or husband?

No fire escape :(

Hungry kid

I want food !!!!

Enter or not

another stupid sign

Stupid sign

you will hit the that bridge

French military victories

Google error

Funny cartoon

10 points hit

Sprite car

good commercial

Japanese love

Love VS Adore

Nice shot

Right on target